Crew Nationals Oakridge Tennessee, Video; Father's Day & Al Gore

Al Gore, Jr played high school basketball. Al Gore, Sr was a Senator, a very important man in Your Nation’s Capital. Gore Sr never watched his son play. Never watched a game. Never. Dad was too busy.
But there is a highway named after Gore, Sr. And Junior got a Nobel Peace Prize.
Every dad does it different, I guess. And the kids turn out different…
The Dreamer rowing stroke:
closest rower to the coxswain Alert Readers will remember Your (insufferable) Business Blogger driving 20+ hours to watch a five minute boat race.
The Nationals competition was held in Oakridge, Tennessee, Al Gore’s home state.
Yorktown High School from Arlington, Virginia had a very respectable showing. We didn’t win, but we did watch.
It was important: We Were There.
Business consultant guru, In Search of Excellence, Tom Peters writes and lectures that for important meetings people show up. In Real Life, IRL.
If it’s big: be there. In person. Live. Not just in spirit, in the flesh.
Important events: Births, Deaths, Marriages…Kids’ competition.
The Dreamer, winner of Most Valuable Rower The Crew Team had their awards banquet and The Dreamer was recognized.
We are so proud of her. It’s a Happy Father’s Day indeed.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Yorktown Crew 2007 – 2008Alert Readers will recall that Al Gore, Jr., did not carry Tennessee when he ran for president. I would submit that his home state voters didn’t want him as president, because his dad didn’t watch him play a basketball game: His dad really didn’t care; his voters really didn’t care either.
Real men know that it is not all about them, “it’s about the children” as our liberal friends constantly remind us.
Dads must be crazy — crazy about his kids.
Al Gore, Sr. was a very smart, very accomplished man. And he wasn’t crazy.
Maybe the country would be better off if he was.
See: Teamwork & Rowing: 2008 National Scholastic Championship, Oak Ridge, TN
Your Business Blogger(R) of Management Training of DC, LLC, is a licensed agent for the William Oncken Corporation presenters of Managing Management Time(TM) fondly known as Monkey Management.
UPDATE: Yorktown Crew 2008 Spring Sports Night Awards

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