Media Appearance: Charmaine vs Planned Parenthood on FOX

Charmaine recently debated Sarah Flowers a consultant from Planned Parenthood. They compared the abortion positions of Obama and McCain.
Obama favors abortion through all three — or four trimesters, as Laura Ingraham quips — and McCain votes for Life.
Watch the clip and let us know what you think.
Thank you footnotes, all over the news and Kansas Abortion Timeline as the first ever Attorney General to take on Planned Parenthood and Dr Tiller
Planned Parenthood, AUL debate Obama on Born Alive all over the news Jill Stanek writes,
I cannot even keep up with all the articles and news shows reporting on, Barack Obama’s opposition to the IL Born Alive Infants Protection Act, our Gianna ad, and Obama’s anti-Gianna ad.
Barack Obama Faith Tour Flops With Pro-Life Voters in Jerry Falwell’s Backyard
Lynchburg, VA (
For the new Barack Obama “faith tour” to have any success, it needs to be able to draw young and evangelical voters.
Yet, at its first stop in the Virginia back yard of well-known pastor Jerry Falwell, just 15 people showed up for the event.
The Obama campaign has signed up evangelical author Donald Miller, Pepperdine University professor Doug Kmiec and former Indiana Congressman Tim Roemer, for the “Barack Obama: Faith, Family and Values Tour.”
The trio made a stop at Liberty University, which is home to over 10,000 evangelical students from across the county and a conservative bastion in a state Obama is targeting heavily in this election. Yet, his “faith tour” failed to resonate with people there.
Billy Valentine, director of Catholics for McCain, a grassroots organization of young Catholics not affiliated with the McCain campaign, told he’s not surprised the event flopped.
“Young Evangelicals and Catholics alike can’t be deceived by Obama’s empty rhetoric, and instead realize that an Obama administration would laugh in the face of the human rights issues they passionately fight for, such as the right to life,” he said.
See more on Obama and Planned Parenthood, let the man speak for himself.
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D. is president and CEO of Americans United for Life with offices in Washington, DC, Chicago and Austin.

Planned Parenthood cannot say the words “baby” or “mother”
Does that make them disabled?
RE:Your awesome wife,
When was this clip?