Americans United for Life Hires New Staff Counsel

AUL has made a terrific new hire,
Jessica J. Sage joined Americans United for Life (AUL) as as staff counsel in March 2009. Her responsibilities include assisting the Vice President of Legal Affairs with all aspects of AUL’s legal program including legislative drafting and consulting and the development of new life-affirming legislation related to abortion and end-of-life issues.
Jessica J. Sage, Esq
Jessica drafts amicus curiae briefs on behalf of AUL and its clients to educate federal and state courts across the nation on pro-life issues. Jessica also contributes to AUL’s annual publication Defending Life: Proven Strategies for a Pro-Life America.
“We are extremely gratified that an attorney of Jessica’s caliber and commitment is joining our already exceptional legal team,” said Dr. Charmaine Yoest, AUL President & CEO.
Americans United for Life is the country’s oldest pro-life organization.

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