Sales and Persuasion: Selling Inside and Outside Your Organization

A Tale of Two Presentations.
A Tale of Two Wheelers.
What if Earle Wheeler was more like Elmer Wheeler?
Your Business Professor
Jack YoestYour Business Professor opens our lesson with a story from November, 1965, as told by Charles Cooper who remembers the most important sales presentation of the last fifty years — .
Charles Cooper was a young staffer assisting his boss, Earle Wheeler who made a presentation to the Big Boss.
The Big Boss had to decide between two strategies, one from Earle, who had wisdom and judgment and experience.
The another strategic was from Robert who ran an academic team of whiz kids.
The Big Boss had to choose between nearly opposite recommendations from Earle and Robert.
Although the pitch by Earle Wheeler was done almost a half century ago, Charles Cooper remembers it as if it were yesterday. Cooper was the young man who was holding the flip chart.
The Big Boss was about to make the biggest mistake of the last 50 years…
Why? Because Earle Wheeler could not sell like Elmer Wheeler.
Persuasion in Business, Government, Non-Profits and War.
Well-run organizations have decision makers and influencers who are sales professionals at every level. People who persuade.
They sell to customers, superiors and peers. They are ‘salesmen’ who work to control events – both inside and outside the organization. Salesmen in business development who are account managers.
Who: Professionals and life-long students in management or in business development – sales, fund-raising, leadership.
What: The seminar will equip the attendee with background on how to manage and how to sell both tangibles and intangibles — To sell ideas, and products, and services.
When: Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 11:00pm to 12:15pm
Where: Northern Virginia Community College,
Alexandria Campus, campus map
The new Bisdorf Auditorium, room 196
3001 North Beauregard Street, Alexandria, VA 22311 street map
Why: Increase sales, Increase funding,
Sell an idea, Save the world.
Cost: No Charge. Register here at Space is limited.
The sales training on March 18th will present an overview of the dominant, popular sales philosophies and their application to selling ideas and products in for-profits, not-for-profits, government, military, media and academia.
Jack has developed a simple three step method to sell; to persuade:
The Push: gently encourage the client — overcome inertial.
The Pitch: the seller must always be in the debt of the buyer — never the reverse.
The Promise: selling is a long term relationship — love the client.
Jack Yoest, Adjunct Professor of Business at NOVA and President of Management Training of DC, is a former Armored Cavalry Officer in Combat Arms. For over 30 years he has managed software, health care and international human resource management companies. His experience spans the military, Fortune 500, government, start-ups, non-profits, media and academia.
He conducts sales and marketing and management training for professionals in industries from law to government, from for-profit businesses to charities.
He has sold car mufflers and intravenous catheters. He’s peddled tactics for night vision devices, partnerships with software developers, budgeting in public policy and media marketing for CEO’s.
Jack also served in the Governor’s Office of the Commonwealth Virginia as Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Resources where he acted as the Chief Technology Officer for the secretariat. He was responsible for the successful Year 2000 (Y2K) conversion for the 16,000-employee unit.
He was also a sales account manager with a medical device start-up and helped move sales from zero to over $12 million, opening over 300 accounts, resulting in a buy-out by Johnson & Johnson.
Jack has consulted across industries and in China and India. His first job out of high school was selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door in 1971.
Questions?, or call Jack at 202.215.2434.
Suggested class reading:
Selling your skills, Do You Have An Incompetent Manager? From The Washington Post.
Management_Time__Who_s_Got_the_Monkey___HBR_OnPoint_Enhanced_Edition_.pdf Harvard Business Review. How not to sell in the office.
One Minute YouTube Introduction: Office Politics: Someone is always selling, Someone is always buying.
Come to this class.
Thank you (foot)notes,
See George Mason University, History News Network The Day It Became The Longest War.
Parking info at the jump.
Save the Date: 18 March 2009
Follows is parking information if you will be able to join us.
If by car, street map.
X Marks the spot, the Bisdorf lecture hall/auditorium room 196.
Northern Virginia Community College
Alexandria Campus
3001 North Beauregard Street 22311
Circled are metered parking lots for visitors without NVCC parking permits.
The auditorium/lecture hall is at the east wing of the Bisdorf Building. Please know that the parking at the Beauregard Street Garage (AP) is convenient but there is a short up-hill walk to Bisdorf.
If by Metro, you might wish to stop at King Street on the Blue Line. The NVCC Alexandria Campus is served by the DASH #6 and Metrobus lines 7A, E, F; 25A, B, F, G, J, P, R, B, C. Please allow 30 minutes travel from King Street Metro. For more transportation information call 202.637.7000.
Thank you (foot)notes,
* Alert Readers know that there is no free lunch. The seminar is not ‘free.’ It is provided ‘at no charge’ as a public service courtesy of the Northern Virginia Community College and the taxpayers of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Students, remember to email to me the names of your guests.
Louis the XVIII once said that Punctuality is the courtesy of kings. However, if your busy schedule prevents your prompt arrival at 11am, please come even if delayed. The auditorium is designed so that late attendees will not disturb the presentation. Better late than never.

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