Media Alert: Charmaine on FOX Why Does USA Poll Pro-Life? & Abortion Debate Intensifes in National Journal

Charmaine recently appeared on FOX discussing the shift in polling — America is now 51 percent Pro-Life according to Gallup:
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D. on FOX
Charmaine was also interviewed for National Journal,
Abortion Debate Intensifies, Awaits Nominee, Tuesday, By Amy Harder, May 19, 2009
Abortion has re-emerged as a hot issue, and if history is any indication, it will get even hotter when President Obama makes his Supreme Court nomination.
Obama — who first spoke out for a nominee with “empathy” before a Planned Parenthood audience in 2007 — rekindled conservatives’ wariness over the weekend with his speech at the University of Notre Dame, calling for “fair-minded” dialogue and “common ground.”
Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life, found Obama’s speech at Notre Dame troubling in light of the names at the top of his short list. “He continues to want to use rhetoric to describe a mythical common ground while at the same time pursuing a real radical actual agenda,” Yoest said. Her group recently released a report criticizing possible nominees such as Solicitor General Elena Kagan, appellate judges Sonia Sotomayor and Diane Wood, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and outgoing Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears.
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Follow Jack and Charmaine on Twitter: @JackYoest @CharmaineYoest
Pro-Life Group Details Pro-Abortion Views of Likely Obama Supreme Court Picks, by Steven Ertelt, Editor, May 19, 2009,
Washington, DC ( — A leading pro-life legal group has compiled a detailed analysis of the pro-abortion views of the several leading contenders from which President Barack Obama is expected to pick the next Supreme Court justice.
Americans United for Life indicates pro-life advocates should expect a fierce battle over abortion with virtually any of the leading candidates.
Read, AUL’s short list for justice, with two notes to readers…

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