Management 323, Test Chapters 1 to 11, The Catholic University of America

Test for Management 323, The Catholic University of America, 10 points
You do not have to take the test if you are participating in the Business Simulation exercise on 22 March, 2:00 to 6:30 in PRYZ room 342. Class will not meet on 22 March 2011.
Take Home, open book and open notes. No collaboration. Due midnight 23 March 2011.
Chapters 1 to 11.
1. What is more important to the manager, technical skills or people skills and why?
2. Dr. Peter Drucker said that good managers _________________ the strengths of staff and ________________their weaknesses.
3. What is a monkey and whose back does it belong?
4. Management is
5. _______________ + ___________________ = motivation
6. Manager’s formula for success
7. The manager should be: efficient or effective, and why?
8. The individual contributor should be efficient or effective, and why?
9. What did President John Adams say about controlling events?
10. What is the equity theory?
11. What is expectancy theory?
12. How do you know if you are being treated like a child at work, or behaving like a child?
13. What is the best way to learn to be a manager?
14. Describe the four E’s of Jack Welch.
For questions 15 to 18: Competent, Incompetent, Industrious, lazy
15. Which two characteristics make for the best leader and why?
16. Which two characteristics make for the best staffer and why?
17. Which two characteristics make for the most dangerous manager and why?
18. Which two characteristics make for harmless-least dangerous manager and why?
19. What are the four components of management?
20. What is responsibility and can it be delegated?
Thank you (foot)notes,
Be sure to follow Your Business Blogger(R) and Charmaine on Twitter: @JackYoest and @CharmaineYoest
Jack and Charmaine also blog at Reasoned Audacity and at Management Training of DC, LLC.

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