Best ProLife Videos & Resources, Professor Yoest

We live in the sight and sound generation where information is gathered through the ‘moving talking picture.’ Here’s how ProLife is changing the culture and the law.
Abortionist reveals, ‘Am I killing? Yes, I am’
Who wants to be a millionaire? This abortionist did. Carol Everett did it for the money. Learn how she marketed abortion. She was indeed Pro-Abortion.
The Margaret Sanger Art Contest (not to be confused with The Margaret Sanger Award). Parody Pictures of Margaret Sanger speaking to the KKK. The pictures mock the actual event. Oddly ProChoicers are confused by these contest winners. They are, well, just like real life.
NON-PREGNANT WOMAN PAYS FOR ABORTION! Carol Everett, a former abortionist reveals how the abortion business actually uses ultrasounds. To abort babies-that aren’t there.

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