Management Training, Notes, First Session

Management Training
Following are the notes for the first session for the Management Training conducted in Washington, DC, at Americans United for Life.
February 28, 2014; First Class
11 am to 1:00 pm
Topic “Is it possible to Control Events?”
Art and Science of Management
Seminar Description:
This course is a comprehensive overview of management theory, process, and behavior.
Topics include: management across cultures; managing with ethics and social responsibility; fundamentals of organizing; organizational culture and design; leadership; motivation and communication; interpersonal skills; teamwork and group dynamics; goal setting; alternative work arrangements; power and politics; conflict and negotiation; managing change; and management development.
Our emphasis is on the analysis and understanding of human behavior in organizations.
This seminar will help move students’ understanding of the work of the individual contributor, that is perfection; to the practice of management, which is working with imperfection, ambiguity, uncertainty and failure. The students will learn that they must control events or events will control them.
Course Goals – Objectives & Expectations: The course teaches management and the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. It focuses on application of management principles to realistic situations managers encounter as they attempt to achieve organizational objectives.
At the end of this seminar, you should have confidence in your ability to:
1. Define management, focusing on “relationships” as the central theme.
2. Set-up a Plan: Management theory, process, and behavior; goal-setting; managing change.
3. Recognize To Organize: Culture and design; teamwork and group dynamics; alternative work arrangements; analysis.
4. Define To Lead: Motivation and communication conflict and negotiation; managing change; and management development; interpersonal skills; understanding of human behavior in organizations and management across cultures.
5. Identify how To Control: The evaluation of the completed actions comparing them to the original plan and make course corrections as necessary.
Goals for Student Learning: The student will be able to use and understand the vocabulary and language of management and appreciate the relationship between supervisors and individual contributors.
Management Training Page 2
February 28, 2014, Introduction, First Class
11 am to 1:00 pm
Topic “Is it possible to Control Events?”
1. The one word that describes management is ______________________.
2. Management has four parts P___________________, O______________________, L_____________________, C_________________.
P_______________ what to do and when.
O ______________ what resources and people
L ______________ getting people motivated
C______________ evaluation; compare results to plan
3. Management is getting things done through the ______________ support of _______________.
Video clip – I must control events or events will control me.
You are not a victim.
Goal is to get the boss discretionary management time.
Individual Contributor _____________________ = performance
Manager ___________________ + ________________= performance
Management Training Page 3
360 Degree Management, based on the work of John C. Maxwell
__________ You ___________
Management Training Page 4
What do the Individual Contributor and the Manager do all day? Based on the work of Bill Oncken.
Individual Contributor | Manager | |
The Job
What you do
Printable copy: Management_Training_Notes_Feb_AUL

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