Catholic Servant Leadership, MSO 500 The Catholic University of America

Course Goals
The goal of this course is to understand the exercise leadership by emphasizing service to others through the practice of subsidiarity and solidarity.
Goals for Student Learning
At the completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Define Catholic servant leadership;
2. Apply principles of Catholic servant leadership to organizational administration;
3. Identify areas of personal, spiritual, and professional growth as a servant leader;
4. Set leadership goals that arise from adopting Catholic servant leadership as a management model;
5. Explain the benefits and challenges of adopting Catholic servant leadership as a model of management.
Course Description
Servant leadership is both a theoretical and practice model of management. Catholic servant leadership adds a theological/spiritual dimension to the model, placing the teaching of Jesus Christ, as passed on by the gospels and doctrinal documents of the Catholic Church, at the center of servant leadership.
This course explores Catholic servant leadership as a means for managers and administrators to help their organizations and the people they lead to grow, thrive, and succeed. The course examines the foundation of Catholic servant leadership in the traditions and books of the Old and New Testament, and the witness of saints who exemplify Catholic servant leadership.
Finally, the course allows the student to consider the practice of Catholic servant leadership in the practice of management, its promise and challenges.
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