Author: Charmaine Yoest

Basil Interviews Jack Yoest!

One of my favorite blogs is basil’s blog. He interviews other bloggers as a regular feature: today he has an interview with. . . Jack Yoest! It’s a lot of fun and even I...

100K Is The New Six Figures

Cross Post from Jack Yoest John Stansbury at MacStansbury.orgNot so long ago, hitting Six Figures was everyman’s dream. A goal attained. Respect. Today it’s 100,000 Hits. The number of visits or “hits” to a...

Mrs. Alito is Human

Ian at the Political Teen has the video of Mrs. Alito’s tears today. It will break your heart to watch her try to hold tears back as Senator Graham talks about the ordeal their...

Liberal Progressives for Alito

Jim Goneia and Susan Sullivan met while clerking for Judge Alito in 1990-91. They are now married, with two children. Their 9-year-old son says, “I like Judge Alito. If it weren’t for him, I...