Author: Charmaine Yoest

Harriet Miers Withdraws

She’s just withdrawn her nomination, and they are saying that it is because Senators wanted to see papers from her work at the White House. An attempt at face-saving. It was the handwriting on...

Harriet Miers' Speech Referencing Abortion

Harriet Miers In 1993, Harriet Miers gave a speech to the Executive Women of Dallas. The Washington Post reported this morning that she referenced abortion. Here’s the relevant passage: The ongoing debate continues surrounding...

Indictments Tomorrow?

Patrick Fitzgerald, Special Prosecutor Steve Clemons of the Washington Note says that sealed indictments will be filed tomorrow, with a press conference to come on Thursday. His commenters are wishing each other “Happy Fitzmas.”...

Why Do They Serve?

Greyhawk posts today results from a survey of Utah’s National Guard reporting why they are reenlisting, or not. Why are you staying in? Here’s the one answer that really got me: “Lisa.”

Who Should Rule the World?

John Hawkins polled 200 conservative bloggers and asked them who should rule the world. Today, he posts the top 15 from the 38 bloggers who responded. Here’s one interesting part: Condi is number ONE....