Mapping Sex Offenders
Do you live near a sex offender? This database is amazing: just type in your zip code and you get a MAP of where the registered sex offenders live near you. Plus their names...
Do you live near a sex offender? This database is amazing: just type in your zip code and you get a MAP of where the registered sex offenders live near you. Plus their names...
A new book from Texas judge Janice Law argues that Lawrence v. Texas, the landmark Supreme Court case that declared anti-sodomy laws unconstitutional, was a staged set-up. . . This you’ve got to read....
Dr. James Dobson Senator Specter said on Face the Nation yesterday that he will probably summon Dr. Dobson to testify to the Judiciary Committee about his conversations with the White House about the Miers...
George Will Yesterday, George Will intensified the drumbeat against Miers with “Defending the Indefensible.” Here’s the bare-knuckled conclusion: . . .any Republican senator who supinely acquiesces in President Bush’s reckless abuse of presidential discretion...
The Dude with Coach Giddy The score yesterday was 24-0. We’re headed to the ‘ship! As in champion-ship. But from the coaches’ post-game fire-and-brimstone lecture, an onlooker would have thought we had lost. A...
The picture gives away the punchline, but let’s do review the outlines of this story. Work with me here, and pretend for a moment you don’t know who they are: A middle-aged man who...
Apocalyptic, misleading, headlines: U.S. Soldiers Burned Bodies of Taliban Fighters, Taunted Villagers. The full story. Via Beth, My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.
Put Me in Coach! 8:30 at night. Practicing under the lights. The winner of Saturday’s game plays in the State Championship. I remember vividly the day three years ago that “my baby” walked in...
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