Author: Charmaine Yoest

USS Pueblo Coming Home?

The USS Pueblo is a popular tourist attraction on the Taedong River in Pyongyang North Korea North Korea is trying to use the USS Pueblo to force Condi Rice to make nice. Won’t happen....

What They're Reading on College Campuses

Remember Professor Pottymouth? Now comes the bestseller rankings: #1 is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. No surprise there. And from Princeton is #6 Bullsh*t, by (tenured) Professor Harry G. Frankfurt*. These two academic...

New Blog on the Block

My husband got tired of bugging me to write “the WalMart post.” Finally, when I said: “you know, you really ought to start a business blog and write it yourself. . .” He did....

Love Dressed Up as Life

Woke up yesterday facing a drive to Philadelphia to check on Jack’s uncle who is in the hospital . . . Checking email before leaving — (punctuated by: “Your shoes are in the closet....