Author: Charmaine Yoest

Welcome, Arianna and the Huffington Post

Arianna Huffington’s new blog, the Huffington Post, debuts today. Arianna Huffington I forgot to mention earlier, that I saw and chatted briefly about her new project with Arianna at the Correspondents’ Dinner. I bring...

Aging? Who Me?

In his ongoing attempt to get me to: a) take my vitamins, and b) give up my Diet Coke addiction, the Chairman has sent me an article on aging (aarrrgggh) from Scientific American. Apparently,...

National Day of Prayer

A prayer for our soldiers. . . and most especially, for the families today who grieve. . . our debt of gratitude is unbounded. O Trinity of love and power! Our brethren shield in...

The Stuffed Animal Raid

Photo: Sandra Jontz Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jill St. John Combat Logistics Battalion 8 Here we go. Again. From the Stars and Stripes, “Marine raid breaks gender barrier.” (From Lucianne.) Photo: Sandra Jontz Lance...