Author: Charmaine Yoest

Rosie O'Donnell . . . Ridiculous. . .

“Bush is a war criminal. . .” Here’s what Rosie O’Donnell recently said to Geraldo Rivera, according to the New York Post (Photo credit-Getty): You know [President Bush] invaded a sovereign nation [Iraq] in...

White House Correspondents' Dinner

On Saturday night, we headed to the Washington Hilton to join the fun at the reception hosted by National Review before the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld and Me One of...

What's a Boiled Frog, Anyway??

I’m arguing that this is precisely what the military is doing with women in combat — turning the heat up slowly, so that no one notices. If they came right out and announced, “Hey, we’re going to start putting women in combat” it wouldn’t go over real well.

Abortion Survivor; Marathon Runner

In response to yesterday’s sad news about the aborted baby who was born alive, then left to die, Carol in Nashville wrote with an amazing and wonderful story: I go to a gym where...