Blog Blog

In Harm's Way

credit: AP Two Marine’s were killed, CNN reports. They were serving our Country in this time of war. On Interstate 15 in California. Each January, in the winter season, I am prompted to remember...

Westerns Worth Watching!

I enjoy posting about movies on this blog because of the great comments from you-all, my fellow movie-lovers. One of the leading movie commenters on this blog is Pat Patterson, who wrote today with...

Bloggers and Act Up! at Justice Sunday III

AIDS ProtestersConservatives, Homosexuals, Abortionists. Something for every market segment this weekend at Justice Sunday III. Rumors are Act Up! and Planned Parenthood will be “on site” at the church hosting JSIII. Sure to be...

Jody Bottum Responds to Jeffrey Hart

A thought worth pondering here as we approach yet-another anniversary of Roe v. Wade: Indeed, were opposition to abortion primarily a political sentiment, it would look like this: If you are not moved to...

More on Iran. . .

The Guardian is really pushing the Iran story. More today. They quote an unidentified “western intelligence assessment” from last summer that says Iran is agressively pursuing nuclear technology, equipment and supplies. Although are we...

Are Managers Sociopaths?

Company Hierarchy Two decades ago, I was part of a 45 member sales team. Whenever there was excess budget, we sales guys, staff and management (also known as “overhead”) were evaluated by outside consultants....