The Leadership Development Carnival is Up

The new Leadership Development Carnival #1 is up and running at Great Leadership, hosted by Dan McCarthy. The Carnival is a clearing house of leadership and leadership development advice and commentary from over 30 leadership pundits, including Your Business Blogger(R).
Carnivals serve a vital function in the blogosphere that is missing in most conventional blogs: Editorial oversight.
Dan McCarthy does this ably and without direct compensation. Bloggers work for links and traffic. Go visit.
Dan will be working as the editor of the Leadership Development Carnival every month. If you’d like to submit an article, use the carnival submission form.
My humble submission was The Four Speeches Every Speaker Delivers.
Most people fear public speaking more than death itself. The public-speakers’-adrenaline rush forces the talker to review his podium performance.
And while there at Great Leadership be sure to visit Keeping Your Study Skills Razor Sharp that I may have to steal borrow for my students.

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