Family Research Council Says Goodbye to Charmaine

Friday was Charmaine’s last day at FRC. They gave her a nice send off. It was less like a funeral and more like a celebration — a celebration like many funerals should be: She’s going to a better place, but we wish she were here.
Later, Your Business Blogger(R) returned with the Penta-Posse to her office to gather up the pictures and files and stuff and stuffed all into the monster-SUV. We left no action, email, paper, or child behind.
It took ’til 9pm to clear out. This is how job changing is different from death:
Crossing over to eternity: Your inbox will be full.
Crossing over to another job: Your inbox will be empty.
The only thing she took with her were the memories and the comfort that she would be seeing all of her old friends again somewhere, sometime again.
Some things don’t die…
Friendships endure: Relationships in the Body are eternal.
Then again, maybe job-changing and death are exactly alike.
From the Family Research Council,
Our Loss is AUL’s Gain
It is with mixed emotions that we announce that Dr. Charmaine Yoest, VP for Communications, has accepted the presidency of Americans United for Life.
While this is great news for Charmaine and even better news for AUL, it is a deep loss for us.
During Charmaine’s time at FRC, we have gained a whole new level of visibility in the national media, developed an excellent new web site, built out the first video studio in FRC history, overhauled our media center to make it state-of-the-art, obtained record op ed placements, and maintained quality radio programs heard on hundreds of stations nationwide.
Charmaine and her entire team can be justly proud of these accomplishments. It’s good to know that her gifts will now be deployed at the helm of one of best-known and most successful pro-life groups in the country.
We wish her and her family well in the weeks and years to come, and we’re confident our paths will cross many times as we work to protect innocent human life.

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