Gianna Jessen: Abortion Survivor, Born Alive Opposes Obama & The Party of Death

Gianna Jessen,
abortion survivor Charmaine and Your Business Blogger(R) have run a number of marathons. Charmaine always cries the last 4 miles. It always hurts — both the physical and mental. Real Pain.
But at least Charmaine’s mom didn’t try to murder her…
Gianna Jessen is an abortion survivor and also runs marathons. It takes her 8 hours. (If we were on the same course, she would be the only one behind me and Charmaine.)
Watch Gianna’s 30 second video
on protecting Infants Born Alive. Gianna needs a third of a day to complete the 26.2 miles because she has, as she says, “the gift of cerebral palsy.”
It is a “gift” because the alternative, the intention of the mother and her “doctor” was death for Gianna.
It is not known if the “doctor” is a Democrat. But abortion is a sacrament of The Party of Death.
Gianna lived to tell her story, was adopted, and is an advocate for Infant Born Alive protections.
Our Aunt Carol spoke with Gianna and has an update.
Bookmark Americans United for Life.
“If Barack Obama had his way I would not be here,” says Gianna. Visit
Read more at the jump.
Charmaine wrote in 2005,
In response to yesterday’s sad news about the aborted baby who was born alive, then left to die, Carol in Nashville wrote with an amazing and wonderful story:
I go to a gym where a young woman works out regularly. She and I have the same trainer — so I run into her fairly often. She is preparing to run the Country Music Marathon this coming weekend.
Many times I’ve been on the exercise bike or the treadmill — looking out the front windows of the gym, and I’d see her run by outside every 10 or 15 minutes on her training route in the neighborhood. Her gait is uneven and slow. Her arms pump erratically. She can only run on the front of her feet — kind of a tiptoe run. But she stays at it. Sometimes she’ll be running when I first get to the gym, and when I’m leaving an hour later, she’s still at it.
She has cerebral palsy.
In talking with her in the dressing room, I’ve been impressed by her friendliness. She goes the extra mile in being interested in each person she talks with. I’ve admired her determination and attitude ever since I first met her a few months ago.
Then one morning as I was getting dressed for work, tv news in the background, there she was on TV — being interviewed by a local reporter. I learned then the reason for her cerebral palsy. She has cerebral palsy because she was an aborted baby who survived. She ended up being raised by her grandmother who worked with her daily to see that she got the physical therapy she needed.
Once I told her that I admired her perseverance in preparing for the marathon, and she said that she felt anyone could do a marathon if they made up their mind to do it. Without thinking through my answer, I said, no I couldn’t do one because of the arthritis in my knee. I have regretted that comment ever since. What’s a little arthritis when compared to what she is overcoming in order to run a marathon? I just don’t have the determination and courage that she has.
It turns out that Carol’s friend is Gianna Jessen, a young woman who testified in front of Congress on behalf of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.
God bless the nurse who saved Gianna’s life!
Alert Readers may remember a report a month ago from Carol, who wrote to tell us the inspirational story about a young woman at her gym, Gianna Jessen, who was training for the Country Music Marathon in Nashville.
But Gianna is not your average runner — she has cerebral palsy from surviving an abortion attempt at her birth. (And here.)
So what’s a girl to do with those kinds of challenges, both physical and spiritual, weighing her down? Run a marathon of course!
And she did.
I have run two [now three] marathons, and we’re training now for the Marine Corps Marathon in October. So I can tell you: I can’t believe she did it. I really can’t.
A marathon is 26.2 miles of pain. After mile 20, there’s a voice in your head screaming, “stop, stop, stop” with every step. Gianna didn’t stop. Her story is humbling, and she’s an inspiration to us all.
Every year in Britain, 50 babies are born-alive — after an abortion attempt.
Babies born alive. Don’t you just hate medical malpractice? The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is mounting an investigation into this horrible rash of babies born alive — according to their standards an abortionist is supposed to be sure they stop the baby’s heart with a direct injection of potassium chloride.
The problem? “In practice, few doctors are willing or able to perform the delicate procedure,” says Britain’s Sunday Times.
Another problem? Abortion is legal in Britain up to the 24th week of pregnancy, but some babies born earlier do survive:
‘They can be born breathing and crying at 19 weeks’ gestation,’ [Stuart Campbell, former professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at St George’s hospital, London] said. ‘I am not anti-abortion, but as far as I am concerned this is sub-standard medicine.’
Fortunately, not everyone has such a warped definition of “medicine.” The Times goes on to report that, “Doctors are increasingly uneasy about aborting babies who could be born alive.”
Enter Gianna Jessen, who was one of those pesky babies who just insisted on being born alive. Gianna is a young American woman who survived a saline abortion. (See links below for previous stories about Gianna.)
Today, despite living with cerebral palsy as a result of the “sub-standard abortion” that almost killed her, Gianna has become a marathon runner.
And in April, Gianna will be running in the London Marathon to draw attention to the Alive and Kicking Campaign. They are working toward reducing the legal upper limit for abortions from 24 weeks to 18 weeks, which would halve the yearly number of abortions in the UK.
Run, Gianna Run!
* * *
Previous posts about Gianna:
Gianna Jessen, Abortion Survivor — Country Music Marathon Finisher!
Abortion Survivor; Marathon Runner
Aborted Baby, Born Alive, Left to Die
Senior Editor, National Review, Ramesh Ponnuru will be the keynoter at the Americans United for Life gala on October 9th in Chicago. We will celebrate Life.

It is critically important for all voters who care about the lives and rights of unborn children to vote ONLY for Republican candidates for President, Congress, Governor and State Legislature this year.
If you vote for any Democrat, you are voting for a party which is committed to unlimited killing and taxpayer-subsidized killing of unborn children. Even a pro-life Democrat, once elected to Congress, will vote to keep abortionist Senator Harry Reid as the Democratic leader in the Senate or will vote to keep abortionist Representative Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House.
These abortionist politicians will work tirelessly to keep ALL legislation to protect unborn children from even coming up for a vote, let alone actually allowing it to pass.
If everyone votes Republican and we can elect large Republican majorities to the House and Senate and hold the White House, then we can do something to stop the killing of unborn children in 2009.
Congratulations and Two Friendly Questions for Gianna
Dear Ms Jessen, belated but hearty congratulations to you and to all RTLs on passing the BAIPA.
In order for you to understand the questions you need a few facts. I’ll be brief.
What the born-alive protection laws are accomplishing is the same as what the partial-birth ban has accomplished but a little wider in scope. The PBA ban has caused docs doing post-viability abortions to kill the fetus in utero and document its death before starting to take it out. The born-alive protection is causing docs to adopt this change in protocol for near-viability abortions (middle of second trimester) as well.
Very-late-termers like Dr. Tiller kill in utero by injecting arythmiogens directly into the heart with a long needle guided by ultrasound. You go into the heart because you can kill with the smallest amount of the drug. It is harder to hit the heart earlier in pregnancy when the fetus is smaller so cruder methods may be necessary. How about: go into the uterus with a pointy or drug-injecting laproscopic snake and up the nose into the brain like the Ancient Egyptians making mummies. (Of course the mummies-in-progress were already dead.) I don’t know whether or not anyone’s doing anything like this but if I were charged with the task of making sure a fetus were dead and intracardiac isn’t an option it’s my first idea. You want to minimize bleeding.
So, Gianna, my first friendly question is does inducing the docs to do a better job of making sure you DON’T get born alive make the whole thing any less objectionable? If yes, why? To me the opposite seems more likely–the born-alive at least gets a short glimpse of the outside world. A chance to draw breath. Thanks to BAIPA, the few babies who would have had that chance, won’t. Happy now?
My second friendly question may be a little embarrassing: do you understand that the real purpose of these laws you symbolize is to enable prosecutors whose right-to-life convictions are stronger than their professional convictions, or who wish to achieve wealth and fame as commercial symbolic champions of RTLism, to waste docs’ time and their employer/government’s money on nuisance-accusations of violating them, as former Kansas DA Phill Klown (oops Kline) did to Dr. Tiller? If yes, is this an ethical way to save babies? (Don’t say every way of saving babies is ethical. You can save some babies by taking transplantable kidneys by force from unwilling donors but it’s not ethical). Do you understand it’s also totally or near-totally ineffective for saving babies? Even if Phill Klone had brought down Dr. Tiller instead of wasting a small amount of his time it would save exactly zero babies. There will be a successor or more likely successors. He’ll probably retire soon anyway because he’s much too responsible to ignore the deterioration which happens to everyone his age or a little older.
If you read this, thanks in advance for answering these two friendly questions. And again, late congratulations on passing BAIPA into law.
Dear SoMG, you raise a very good point on the unintended and unanticipated consequences of saving the lives of babies who come into this world thru a botched abortion, like Gianna.
The Born Alive Acts will simply make the abortionists more efficient in their “surgical technique” to kill the unborn baby.
This may very well be a chance that the Pro-Life advocates will have to take. I’ll bet on life and take the risk.
Your second point is also interesting: The right of conscience of professionals to continue the killing of unborn babies — I do not believe that this RoC has ever been advanced! (Full Disclosure: Americans United for Life crafts legislation for right of conscience law.) Usually Right of Conscience is claimed by a professional or a citizen who does NOT want to kill — in , say, a war as in a Conscientious Objector, or a nurse who does not wish to assist on the dismemberment of a baby.
But I suppose a lawyer could claim a RoC and exempt him — or more probably her — from prosecuting an abortionists who left a baby to die. Ordinarily we’d call this homicide of some kind, but this is abortion politics. If you know of a case, please let us know.
“Achieve wealth” you write? Goodness. I know of no one in the pro-life movement who is getting rich as “champions” for saving babies. It is a tenant of the Pro-Life movement that any reward will be on the other side of eternity, not this side.
Finally, you might be right: Is BAIPA an effective course of action to save babies? We will certainly know in a few years as these babies grow up like Gianna.
But I could be wrong. If you have another idea to save these babies, do tell.
Thank you for commenting,
Jack (and Charmaine)
Joe, I am not sure that a politician can be Pro-Life and be a Democrat simultaneously. Much like being an observant Catholic and supporting abortion.
Where personal beliefs will not effect public policy decisions.
These politicians sound like “I don’t own slaves, but I will not impose my world view on others not to own slaves.” This world view is so egregious that it seems as though they are on another planet…
…But if you do own slaves, they better not smoke.
Liberals are simply not very clear thinkers.
Joe, I am not sure that a politician can be Pro-Life and be a Democrat simultaneously. Much like being an observant Catholic and supporting abortion.
Where personal beliefs will not effect public policy decisions.
These politicians sound like “I don’t own slaves, but I will not impose my world view on others not to own slaves.” This world view is so egregious that it seems as though they are on another planet…
…But if you do own slaves, they better not smoke.
Liberals are simply not very clear thinkers.
Joe, I am not sure that a politician can be Pro-Life and be a Democrat simultaneously. Much like being an observant Catholic and supporting abortion.
Where personal beliefs will not effect public policy decisions.
These politicians sound like “I don’t own slaves, but I will not impose my world view on others not to own slaves.” This world view is so egregious that it seems as though they are on another planet…
…But if you do own slaves, they better not smoke.
Liberals are simply not very clear thinkers.