The Pill For Minors (and Your Mother Need Not know…)

George Weigel says that the real winner in the last election was…
the 1960’s.
The Woodstock-er Flower Power, Free Love-Hippy-Hypocrites are having children and presidents of their own.
Love Hypocrites? Yep.
If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with!
Sex sells as nothing else. But only sex. Nothing else.
Your Business Blogger(R) was at a local high school sporting event in the stands next to another doting dad who truly cares about his daughter. (Note: this story is essentially true; some details have been changed for obvious reasons.)
I know about the daughter. A lot. Too much.
Charmaine and I regularly monitor The (teenaged) Dreamer’s and the Dude’s Facebook friends. And saw pictures of someone else’s daughter that would not get her hired in any company I advise.
I gently suggest to the Dad that Facebook is a good source to learn if teenage daughters are well, “active.”
He says. “I don’t want to know.” I am perplexed.
He smiles, “They are just going to do it anyway.”
He didn’t want to know about his daughter’s (potential) amorous adventurous.
But he might get concerned…
If he learned that she might be smoking.
And without a doubt, if her football friends were drinking and driving.
Sex: OK anytime.
Smoking: BAD anytime.
Drinking: BAD while driving.
Facebook: WHAT?
Woodstock-ers don’t mind if their daughter’s are sexually active, as long as they really care about their health: no smoking and don’t drive while drunk.
(I’m still waiting for the public school system Safe Smoking Class; the Safe Drinking Class.)
The contraceptive pill known as Plan B soon will be made available without prescription to minors without parental consent . . .
This is Woodstock-ing your children.
NATASHA SINGER writes in The New York Times, Contraception Pill Strictures Are Eased by a Judge
A federal judge ordered the Food and Drug Administration on Monday to make the Plan B morning-after birth control pill available without prescription to women as young as 17….
The agency has 30 days to comply with the order, in which the judge also urged the agency to consider removing all restrictions on over-the-counter sales of Plan B. The drug consists of two pills that prevent conception if taken within 72 hours of sexual intercourse…
Not until 2006 did the F.D.A. rule, saying that the drug could be sold without a prescription only to women over 18. In order to enforce the age restriction, the agency also ordered that Plan B be stocked behind pharmacy counters, in contrast to other over-the-counter contraceptives like condoms.
Americans United for Life Condemns Ruling Increasing Minors’ Access to Dangerous Plan B
Washington, DC – Today, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York unilaterally determined in Tummino v. Torti that 17 year old girls should have unrestricted, over-the-counter access to Plan B or so-called “emergency contraception.” In doing so, the court overruled a previous decision by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requiring that minors first obtain a valid prescription for the potentially dangerous drug.
The Obama Administration is widely expected to welcome the ruling and not pursue a meaningful appeal in the case.
Dr. Charmaine Yoest, President & CEO of Americans United for Life said, “Given legitimate concerns about the safety of self-medicating with Plan B, it is incomprehensible that we would allow a minor to walk into any pharmacy and obtain this drug without medical oversight or parental involvement.”
So where did this new nonsense originate?
Sam & Dave sum it up,
I was educated at Woodstock
When I start lovin’, oh, I just can’t stop
Join Fight FOCA Maybe the Obama administration is right:
Kids are going to do it anyway:
They just can’t stop.
But they better not have a cigarette after…
The Woodstock-administration is working to promote prescription pills to underage girls.
Abortions are coming next.
Stop the Woodstock-ers.
Fight FOCA.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Some versions From the Blues Brothers have,
I was educated from good stock
When I start lovin’ I just cant stop
The Woodstock-ers have created the party of death.
Alert Readers know that Your Business Blogger(R) spent a number of decades in pharmaceutical and medical device companies and had to work with FDA requirements.
The FDA has its reasoning upside down, backwards, wrong.
That is to say: They are making political — not a medical — decision.
The normal contraceptive Pill requires a prescription from a licensed physician.
Plan B IS the Pill, except much, much stronger.
Now Plan B will require no prescription, but its stronger dose twin does?
This is lunacy. This is anti-science. This is anti-health.
This is the new administration.
Visit Court Gives 17-Year-Old Girls Unrestricted Access to Morning-After Pill
Tuesday, By Susan Jones, Senior Editor

It’s different when you’re proposing to give someone a pill every month for a long time.
If you’re gonna take asprin every day, you should need a script for that too. I think the label has to say for occasional use only or something like that.
It’s really a non-issue.