Author: Charmaine Yoest

John Doe, Son of a Gun

In the 17th century women were frequent visitors to warships to comfort the crew. And these relationships produced children, some legitimate, some not. The fathers were sometimes known, sometimes not. Babies on board were...

Higher Misbehaving

Cross post from Jack Yoest. He’s got the uncensored, unedited version. May not be safe for work. Following pictures are from institutions of higher learning. Your boss may be a knave who wouldn’t understand....

"I Am Woman"

This is so nice I hardly know what to say. Thanks Tom! And I do have to say, I agree with him about Michelle Malkin.


The Dude came running in the house yesterday very excited with this picture: the bird eggs had hatched!

Commander in Chief — Kaput

We interrupt the coverage of Hillary-the-Wannabe-Astronaut to note with interest that Commander-in-Chief has indeed been cancelled. From Waco KidPlease weigh in. What does this tell us about Hillary 2008? Pick one. A) You just...