Author: Charmaine Yoest

The Mod Squad

The Washington Times focuses today on the Gang of 14 — “the Mod(erate) Squad.” Filibuster possibility is Topic A — but I still haven’t seen anyone laying out a plausible scenario that beats .the...

Were You Worried About Pluto?

They’ve discovered that Pluto has two more moons than we thought. Which is very cool. But apparently, it’s also a big relief to some people: Just on a visceral level, the fact that Pluto...

The Political Math

The thing about politics is that, in the end, it’s all about the math: either you have the votes, or you don’t. The rhetoric coming from the Left today has been apocalyptic. I got...

Sam Alito Nominated for Supreme Court

The President with Judge Alito AP Photo The President nominated Judge Samuel Alito for the vacancy on the Supreme Court at 8:00 this morning. Americablog already has a post up that says “It’s War.”...

Is It Alito?

So says Red State. (JRB still ahead here at Reasoned Audacity — Be sure to VOTE in the poll on the left side-bar!) LATE-AFTERNOON SCUTTLEBUT UPDATE: Luttig gaining. With some Chris Cox thrown in...

On Being Stubborn

According to his critics, Bush is stubborn. So stubborn that he will never admit to a mistake and change course. But is he? The withdrawal of the Miers’ nomination proves his critics at least...