Category: Leadership

Strategic Resources for Non Profits

Peter Drucker courtesy: Claremont Peter Ferdinand Drucker passed away November 11, 2005. But his work and frameworks will serve management for some time to come. Your Business Blogger was recently asked for resources to...

Peter Drucker vs. Henry Kissinger

Peter Drucker Claremont Peter Drucker, from Claremont, and Henry Kissinger, from Harvard, had two very different styles. Especially when dealing with students or staff. Drucker from Claremont had a heart for his students. Professor...

The First Lesson in How to Look Like a Leader

Movement catches the eye What is the most popular window display at Christmas? What has crowds enthralled, captivated? The train circling on a track at the toy store. Constant motion. Wheels turning, smoke blowing,...

Three Misconceptions About The Military

Your Business Blogger, second from left, c. 1978 Every Veteran would be honored to share their service experiences. And what the service is, and more important, what it is not. There are many misconceptions...