Best Re-Telling of an Old Joke
If it were not for the US of A, the French would be wearing lederhosen. But an even better joke (at French expense, of course) is re-told by Mark Petersen from the US Naval...
If it were not for the US of A, the French would be wearing lederhosen. But an even better joke (at French expense, of course) is re-told by Mark Petersen from the US Naval...
Happy Fourth of July! Your Business Blogger is a Flag Waver. And got college course credit for the effort. Your Business Blogger with the American Flag, Foreman Field, Old Dominion University One of my...
Your Business Blogger was having lunch in the Congressional Dining Room in Your Nation’s Capitol. On the way there I saw the Best Bumper Sticker This Week, PEACE HAD A CHANCE Short phrase, short...
Barry R. Relinger June 14, 2007 Sen. Harry Reid 528 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Sen. Reid: Please allow me to take this opportunity to express my complete contempt for anyone who...
Einstein once remarked that a sign of intelligence was the ability to change direction quickly. If so, the following video is an excellent example of very destructive thinking. The short clip is from the...
Landing craft at NormandyJune 6, D-Day 1944. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt led the nation in a six minute prayer. Excerpts follow. Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon...
Landing craft at NormandyJune 6, D-Day 1944. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt led the nation in a six minute prayer. Excerpts follow. Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon...
Some time ago, Your Business Blogger was invited by FOX NEWS to discuss social programs in the military and the new Congress. Following are the back of the envelope notes for the show prep....
A post from last year and the year before by Charmaine. Every time we’ve made the left turn onto Eisenhower Drive, and passed through the imposing brick gates of Arlington National Cemetery, I’ve been...
Gold Star 1st Lt. Jared M. Landaker A few decades ago, Your Business Blogger was privileged to be a Survival Assistance Officer helping families who lost a service member. As a young Cavalry Officer,...
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