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Protests to Hit Justice Sunday 3

More Info Here Justice Sunday III is coming to Philadelphia on January 8th, the night before the Alito hearings are scheduled to begin on the 9th. And Planned Parenthood will be there, too. Here’s...

This is What a Lady Looks Like

I’ve got an article that just went up over at NRO, “This is What a Lady Looks Like.” It’s a piece that has been clanging around in my head — every time I’ve gotten...

Scrooge Joins the Anti-Wal*Mart Mob

Jack has the story of a group of WakeUpWalMart protestors who dressed up like Santa and his elves and handed out wrapped “presents” to children inside Wal*Mart. Inside the wrappings? Empty boxes. Unbelievable. Some...

Wal*Mart Protesters: Intellectual Elites Lose

Paul Johnson Forbes MagazinePaul Johnson describes an intellectual as someone who loves all humanity; it’s people they don’t like. The latest Anti-Wal*Mart protest reveals intellectual indifference to kids. At Christmas. The Washington Times reports...

Cooking From Scratch

And speaking of my grandmother. . . among the many remarkable things I could tell you about her: she has a blog. Check out this post about cooking from scratch in the 1930’s.

To Grandmother's House We Go. . .

“Hey, Mom, come quick!” Heart stops. What’s wrong??!! “Get your camera.” It’s just the Dude, with a Cuteness Alert. “You gotta get this for the blog!” So here’s our sweet Dancer, ready to hit...

A Cotillion Christmas

Janette at Common Sense Runs Wild (a Finalist for Best New Blog this year!) gives us a great bloggy roundup in the Cotillion Christmas this week. . . There are a bunch of great...

Phishing Fraud

There are 5.7 BILLION phishing fraud emails sent out each month! Amazing. Seems like half of those land in my account. Here’s an interesting online quiz to test your “phishing IQ.” I scored very...