FDR's D-Day Prayer
Landing craft at NormandyJune 6, D-Day 1944. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt led the nation in a six minute prayer. Excerpts follow. Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon...
Landing craft at NormandyJune 6, D-Day 1944. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt led the nation in a six minute prayer. Excerpts follow. Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon...
Landing craft at NormandyJune 6, D-Day 1944. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt led the nation in a six minute prayer. Excerpts follow. Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon...
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Tomorrow, Tuesday 22 May, Charmaine will be on MSNBC to debate parental leave. Alert Readers will remember that this was the subject of her doctoral dissertation. Hit times will be 9:30 and 10:00 in...
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Don Imus on MSNBCThe folks at FOX did a much better job at moderating the presidential debate than Chris Matthews from MSNBC and The Politico. A silly questioned missed by Chris would could have...
White House admission ticket The Penta-Posse recently attended the Queen’s visit to The White House on the South Lawn. It was a pageantry of international etiquette and planning. The designers of the welcoming program...
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