Category: Faith

Marketing as Idol

There might be some confusion between God, the Creator and marketing the created. But good marketing, well, does seem to be all-powerful. ### Was this helpful? Do comment. Consider a free eMail subscription for...

Lawyers and Good Books for the Middle Kingdom

When Charmaine attended the National Religous Broadcasters (NRB) tradeshow, she decided to help make a difference by making trouble with a book. Books make a difference. Especially the Good One. Look for the effect...

WTC: A Must See Movie

World Trade Center “Redemption,” wrote Cal Thomas earlier when he saw Oliver Stone’s movie. Stone may have redeemed himself. This is a cross post from Jack Yoest, World Trade Center, Stone’s New Movie from...


GodBlogCon Charmaine, wife of Your Business Blogger will be speaking at the Political Plenary Panel, A bi-partisan discussion on political conversation across the blogosphere, featuring answers to questions such as: What makes a political...